Airport Status Information

Last Page Refresh Time: 09/18/2024 05:24:43 PDT
FAA Update Time:Thu Sep 19 00:24:43 2024 GMT
Delay types=3
--General Arrival/Departure Delay Info
--Airport Closures
--Airport Closures

General Arrival/Departure Delay Info

Min Delay:16 minutes
Max Delay:30 minutes

Airport Closures

Number of Closures=(1)
Reason:!SBP 09/027 SBP AD AP CLSD EXC EMERG HEL DLY 0701-11302409180701-2409191130
Start:Sep 18 at 07:01 UTC.
Reopen:Sep 19 at 11:30 UTC.

Airport Closures

Number of Closures=(1)
Reason:!CHO 07/025 CHO AD AP CLSD TO TRANSIENT OVERNIGHT FIXED WING MIL ACFT EXC FOR PPR 434-981-4152 2407261659-2410312359
Start:Jul 26 at 16:59 UTC.
Reopen:Oct 31 at 23:59 UTC.

The Airport Status Display is sourced directly from the FAA and features frequent updating of any delay situations as conditions change at US airports.

The Airport Status Display automatically refreshes every 10 minutes with the latest updates from the FAA.

Ground Delay Programs (GDP) are implemented to control air traffic volume to airports where the projected traffic demand is expected to exceed the airport's acceptance rate for a lengthy period of time. Lengthy periods of demand exceeding acceptance rate are normally a result of the airport's acceptance rate being reduced for some reason. The most common reason for a reduction in acceptance rate is adverse weather such as low ceilings and visibility.

Ground Stops are implemented for a number of reasons. The most common reasons are: